29 Mar Projector Nudes- Art Photography
This spring’s experimental shoot was something I’ve wanted to play with for years- projector nudes. I’ve admired this kind of art for a long time, and last year I bought a projector so I could try it out. Then things got busy, life got full, the studio calendar booked up and I forgot all about it.
Then this spring when I was giving the studio a good tidy I found the projector, impulsively went onto the Acts of Beauty Facebook VIP group and advertised an experimental art shoot for the following weekend. Because that group is full of completely badass, brave women who are always willing to indulge my artistic impulses, the shoot was sold out a few hours later, and I had all the models I needed!
I am especially blown away by the bravery of the women who had NEVER MET ME BEFORE and came down to take their clothes off and be my canvas. Talk about blowing through your comfort zone! And we had such a fabulous time- everyone laughing, supporting each other, suggesting poses and exclaiming over the results. Also, there were cookies. New friends, photography experiments and cookies are three of my favourite things!
Here are just a few of the totally incredible photos we made that day. It was a stunning success and everyone ended up with gorgeous art for their walls and a great story to tell! We will DEFINITELY be doing this again. <3
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