Kim- Natural light boudoir, Lacombe AB

Kim- Natural light boudoir, Lacombe AB

So Kim was a sideway friend when she first came in- the sort of friend that you see at other people’s houses and like but barely know. She came in for a shoot with another friend a couple of years ago, and because we had Big Plans for some arty grungy street glamour we left the shoot unfinished.

We’re still waiting for the missing Miss S to move back to Alberta so we can do the arty stuff, but the other day we decided it was time and she (now a very good friend) came over for a sleepover, did some test shots for my nudes project (not shown here), and we had a fabulous time finishing her shoot. Here’s a bit about the experience in her words.

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What do you love about your body?
My eyes. My smile. That I’m stronger than I look. That it does so much for me and asks for so little in return.

Before your session, did you have any worries or fears? What were they?
I was worried that I wouldn’t relax enough to have a good time which would allow Star to take good pictures.

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How did you feel coming out of your session?
Exhausted. Amazing. Enlightened. I can hold my head high and say I’ve posed naked in front of a great photographer. And it was an amazingly positive experience.

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How did you feel when you saw your photos?
Excited. Empowered. I was so surprised how Star was able to capture so many different sides of my personality in just a few photos. (I was actually more nervous to see the photos than to have posed naked for some of them.)

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What would you tell another woman considering coming to Acts of Beauty for boudoir photography?
Do it! You owe it to yourself to feel amazing about your body. As I said before, it’s yours and it’s the only one you get. You deserve to see yourself the way the people who love you see you.

Would you do it again?


In case you were wondering, the first and fourth photos are from the first boudoir shoot two years ago, the second and third are from the more recent photographic adventures.  Is it just me, or is she only getting hotter?

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