09 Jan Miss Hufflepuff
** 2023 Edit: A lot has changed since I wrote this blog post so many years ago. The Harry Potter fandom, which so many adore, has become associated with JK Rowling’s horrifying anti-trans agenda. After talking to my trans friends they advised me not to take those photos out, as they are a part of history and also a part of this woman’s beautiful story, but instead to add this; we don’t stand with hate, and these photos are in no way an endorsement of JK’s views. I won’t be posting Harry Potter themed photos from here on, but that doesn’t mean you’re bad or wrong if the magic of that world is still beautiful or meaningful to you or if you want to incorporate the things you love into your photoshoot. But my posting those photos would associate my business with anti-trans hate, and that’s unacceptable to me. **
I first met Miss H when she came to cheer a friend on at her reveal session, and she was the best cheerleader you could ever want- so enthusiastically and completely supportive. It was also immediately obvious that she gave that love and support to everyone EXCEPT herself. A tired mom of tiny twins and a preschooler, I made a mental note that if she ever did come in for a session she needed some serious pampering.
It took her a year to get up the courage, but she did, and DAMN did we have fun! You’ll see at the end why I chose the nom de boudoir I did. She’s also beautifully eloquent, so I’ll let her take it from here.

What made you decide to do a shoot with us?
“A girlfriend of mine had a shoot with Star and she invited me to her reveal. Meeting Star was amazing, and seeing how she spoke to my friend, calming her nerves before the reveal was watching a master at her craft. Star was someone I was immediately drawn to, I just wanted to bask in her presence, she is so authentic/genuine in her love for you and desire to show you the beauty you truly are.” (Awwww. This is me blushing.)
“After that I started following Acts of Beauty on Instagram and joined the Facebook group Acts of Beauty Insiders where I read many, many stories of women having life changing experiences with Star and Michelle. But almost a year later, I still hadn’t taken the step to book my shoot. I had every excuse under the sun why it was not “the right time.”
“The next time Star ran her spokesmodel contest, the girlfriend who had introduced me to Star encouraged me to enter. Immediately after hitting enter I started panicking and thinking every negative thought you can imagine about my body and how unworthy I was for this experience. At the same time, I was exhausted with the self hatred and negative self talk. I craved an experience even a fraction as life changing as the stories I’d read in the Facebook group. I wanted to fall in love with me. So even though I wasn’t chosen as a spokesmodel, when she ran a sale at the end I booked a shoot.”

Before your shoot did you have any worries or fears?
“Oh god, I had every worry and fear you can think of or tell yourself. I’m not worth spending money on, not that much, I don’t have enough money, it’s selfish to want to spend money on myself like this.
“I’m too fat, ugly, jiggly, hairy, Star is going to take one look and throw the towel in because it is fruitless to try and make me look beautiful. I’m going to be the one person who walks away with her fears confirmed because after all there is a first time for everything right?
“I can’t find anything that makes me look good, no lingerie is going to fit me without looking like a sausage that’s starting to explode out of the casing. I’m going to throw up from nerves the minute I walk into the studio or pee my pants from sheer terror.
“What if I am worthy, what if I am beautiful, do I dare hope that is a possibility or will I just be crushed?”

What was your shoot like?
“I just felt like I was hanging out with 2 girlfriends- laughing, drinking wine, sharing stories, listening to music and having a blast playing dress up (or dress down, more accurately)! Star put me at ease so I felt safe, and allowing myself to be vulnerable just followed naturally (I would never have believed it if I hadn’t experienced it first hand, that vulnerability could feel remotely natural to me).
“Coming out of my shoot I felt like a badass diva goddess with a little dominatrix sprinkled in. I felt like I could take on the world and all the assholes in it and come out on top with not a hair out of place. There is definitely a post shoot high!”

Has your body image changed since your shoot?
“Before my shoot I cringed when I walked by a mirror or any reflective surface. I rarely looked in a mirror, and if I did I’d mentally berate myself for being so fat, ugly, unworthy, lacking self control, and letting myself go. I would think all the critics in my life are right, I’m not worthy of happiness, joy, or pride in myself and my accomplishments because my body did not live up to a standard of perfection.
“Now most days my inner diva shines! I wave my middle fingers to my critics because I am a triple threat, “Badass, Bold & Beautiful” and I know size has nothing to do with the measure of my worth. Some days I hear the old inner voice come up, speaking negativity and self hate, but I take my photos out and tell that voice to shut the hell up with its lies.”
What would you tell another woman who is considering a shoot with us?
“Do it. You will not regret it. Don’t wait until you feel ready! Step out of your comfort zone, the benefits far out weigh the terror you feel at the thought of stepping in front of the camera. Star and Michelle are masters at putting you at ease once you arrive, so let your inner Goddess shine; and I assure you, there is a Goddess within us all who Star and Michelle are experienced at releasing.”

Now it’s your turn!
Isn’t she great with words? Now, it’s time to give her some love! Being brave enough to let me post her pictures and story is a pretty big deal, so please leave a nice comment below for her.
Debbie Hockett
Posted at 12:03h, 11 JanuaryThank you for being awesome and brave.
You look stunning
Amanda Tuttle
Posted at 22:44h, 11 JanuaryBeautiful. Your pictures look amazing! In reading your story I felt some of the things you are describing. How you feel when you look in the mirror, thats how I feel as well. I have a terrible habit of always doing that. But you are right…what if I am beautiful! Very inspiring words for sure.
“Those patient Hufflepuffs are true and unafraid of toil”
Robyn Watts
Posted at 01:06h, 12 JanuaryReading your story, I can relate in so many ways. The courage it took to step into the light paid off, you are stunning both inside and out. Bad ass, bold and beautiful is definately the best description. Shine on you beautiful beautiful warrior
Jane Smith
Posted at 07:21h, 12 JanuaryThank you! You put those feelings into words so well. I agree with everything you said completely! Your are gorgeous! As much of a Harry Potter that I am I personally like the pictures with you on the bed looking up and smiling. Those ones makes me smile!
Barbara Harnell
Posted at 22:31h, 12 JanuaryYou look gorgeous. I love that you wore your glasses, I have specs appeal as well and thought I would have to put in contacts if I was ever brave enough to get before the camera….Congrats Queen!!
Jen korobko
Posted at 23:13h, 12 JanuaryYou are amazing. Wow. Your story really resonates with me and makes me want to be better. You are such a beautiful soul.
Robyn Anderson
Posted at 11:07h, 13 JanuaryBeautiful pics!
Karly Dabels
Posted at 18:19h, 13 JanuaryYou are beautiful inside and out! You would never tell from your photos you were nervous, you are one bomb babe! You may be Hufflepuff, but I would say there’s some lion in ya too
Nav Taylor
Posted at 21:38h, 13 January“…because my body did not live up to a standard of perfection.” This rang so true for me. I love your attitude and admire your courage! Keep it up 🙂
Posted at 01:02h, 14 JanuaryI’m certain I have commented on your gorgeous pics and wonderful story before, but I have to again. What a bombshell to share a house with 😉 . Thank you so much for being brave enough to share
Savannah Laurent
Posted at 22:11h, 14 JanuaryYou shine like the BRIGHTEST of bright stars lovely! You are absolutely beautiful and reading your words on the experience you had really made me smile! You keep grabbing that little voice by the horns and putting it in its place!
Madeleine Levac
Posted at 01:05h, 15 JanuaryYour words brought tears to my eyes, your photographs are beautiful, you are absolutely amazing.
Denise Boychuk
Posted at 04:01h, 15 JanuaryIf I didn’t know better, I would have thought I wrote this myself. It is EXACTLY how I feel. Thank you for being an inspiration to all us trying to break out of our shells. You are true beauty I side and out.
Melanie Bain
Posted at 11:34h, 16 JanuaryThank you for sharing.. Your words rang true in so many ways, and it feels comforting to know I’m not alone. You are brave, bold and absolutely gorgeous!
Posted at 21:23h, 20 JanuaryBeautiful
Laura Pryatel
Posted at 07:31h, 31 JanuaryThank you so much for
Sharing this – all of it! I have been intrigued but definitely not completely convinced this would be something i could do… definitely feeling more that this could be something i could and maybe should do!
Robyn Lockie
Posted at 04:01h, 01 FebruaryThank you for posting your beautiful story and your beautiful pictures. I struggle with the same thoughts and feelings when I see myself and I a glad you are working through it ❤️