02 May Badass & Brave
Angela contacted me after leaving an abusive relationship because she wanted to feel sexy and confident again. She booked her shoot with a friend who she said “packs enough courage for both of us” but let me tell you, I’ve never seen anything but courage when I look at Angie. She is a badass survivor, funny and beautiful and holding nothing back.
Angela wrote this for me after her session, and it moved me so much I have been wanting to share it ever since.
“I had never been comfortable in my own skin until I did my shoot with Star.
“I had just gotten out of an abusive relationship, and I had found my will to live again. I thought to myself that I wanted to feel sexy, I wanted to feel confident with myself and thought heck why not, but I didn’t expect what I got in return! I expected to walk in and be very shy about my body. But in walked Michelle to do my make up and she was so open and sweet that I started feeling more comfortable. Then Star walked in… and she is like a force ( I have no other way to explain it.) Everything just melted away and it was the most fun and amazing experience of my life.”
“No matter how I felt about myself, Star saw beauty in me I didn’t know existed. When I sat down to go through my pictures afterward. I was dumbfounded by the woman staring back at me in the photos. I didn’t recognize her. She was beautiful. It was like for a moment I didn’t see me through my eyes. All I remember is tearing up and looking at Star and just saying “Wow… I’m… Beautiful”.
“To this day I look back through my photos.. and again am in awe. ❤️”
Angie, you are inspiring and pack enough courage for a dozen. I’m so glad you found the strength to reclaim your life.
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