30 Mar Hi Debbie, I love you
Sometimes I like to use my blog to shamelessly brag about how great my friends are, and this is one of those times. <3
I met Debbie in 2013 when she impulsively decided to come on the very first Fearless Destination Boudoir Retreat. These days, the retreats are well-known all over the world and when women sign up they can look back at old blog posts and galleries and Instagram pics and have a pretty good idea of what to expect; but this was the very first one. It had never been done before- not just by me, but by anyone. No one in the world was doing anything like this. So she was basically signing up to go across the ocean with a stranger with a cool dream and only charisma to back it up.
Debbie, along with Colette, Lilliana and Doreen, the original Fearless women, is the reason that the retreats exist today; their trust and bravery in taking a chance on my crazy idea has sparked not just the last 7 years of amazing adventures but a revolution in the boudoir world. Retreats like ours are starting to happen all over, little pockets of fabulousness, girlpower and body positivity that are lights in the darkness.
So, what kind of person takes that kind of crazy gamble? I’ll tell you.
Debbie is brave and loud and unabashedly herself. She’s a musician in the army and she takes no shit from anyone. She’s the most loyal friend you could ask for, and will be your friend in a minute if you let her. She’s generous and silly and warm and has a big personality and she always says “yes” to adventure- like the time she came on the Bali retreat and impulsively went to Australia afterwards for a quick visit to a friend while she was in the area. She has been on every international retreat and I can’t imagine them without her- her friendship, laughter and support are a part of so many of my best memories.
Today is her birthday, and while I can’t go visit her, I can (and did!) dredge my hard drives for photos from every retreat to share with you. <3 I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
Lela Abuelo
Posted at 04:03h, 30 MarchHi Star,
Thank you for sharing this inspiring post celebrating Fearless Debbie’s Birthday.
And thank you for all you do to inspire and promote “body positivity.”
Take care and love,